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Ray Sales


Pastor Ray Sales is a native of Buena Vista, Georgia. He graduated from Marion County High School in 1973. In 1979, God opened the door for him to attend Columbus College where he received his certification in Law Enforcement to protect and serve the people and community according to God’s Word. He retired on June 18, 2018, after serving for thirty-eight years.

He is the husband of Evangelist Annie Sales. In their union, they were blessed with two children, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and twelve grandchildren. Pastor Sales accepted Christ in February 1980, God called him into the ministry in 1985 and he was ordained in 1987 from the Church of God in Christ, Inc. in Memphis, Tennessee. Pastor Sales exemplified faithfulness and dedication under the leadership of his former Pastors and was appointed Pastor of New Hope Church of God in Christ in Fort Valley, Georgia on August 9, 1988.

Pastor Sales has held several positions in the local church and district where he serves as the Chairman of the Middle Georgia District under Superintendent David A. Taylor. He is also a supporter of Northern Georgia Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop Mark Walden and the International Church of God in Christ under the leadership of the Presiding Bishop, Bishop John Drew Sheard Sr.

Pastor Ray Sales
A leader with a heart for people.
A leader you can trust.
A leader that cares.
A leader with Dignity and Respect.
A leader who keeps His promises.
A leader that knows how to keep peace.

He is a living witness and testimony of walking by faith in God.